In this Sherlock writeup, we delve into analyzing Windows artifacts, specifically focusing on notification artifacts. All notifications in Windows are stored in a SQLite database within a notification table, typically in XML format.
To facilitate analysis, you can use the following Python script to import the database file as a CSV file or utilize any online SQLite viewer.
# Python script for exporting Windows 10 notification data to CSV
# Usage: python inputDB outputCSV
import sqlite3
import csv
import sys
def generateCSV(csr, outputfilename):
csr.execute("""SELECT n.'Order', n.Id, n.Type, nh.PrimaryId AS HandlerPrimaryId, nh.CreatedTime AS HandlerCreatedTime, nh.ModifiedTime AS HandlerModifiedTime, n.Payload,
CASE WHEN n.ExpiryTime != 0 THEN datetime((n.ExpiryTime/10000000)-11644473600, 'unixepoch') ELSE n.ExpiryTime END AS ExpiryTime,
CASE WHEN n.ArrivalTime != 0 THEN datetime((n.ArrivalTime/10000000)-11644473600, 'unixepoch') ELSE n.ArrivalTime END AS ArrivalTime
FROM Notification n
INNER JOIN NotificationHandler nh ON n.HandlerID = nh.RecordID""")
result = csr.fetchall()
with open(outputfilename, "w", newline='', encoding="utf-8") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
writer.writerow(list(map(lambda x: x[0], csr.description)))
for line in result:
lst = list(line)
lst[-2] = "" if lst[-2] == 0 else lst[-2]
lst[-1] = "" if lst[-1] == 0 else lst[-1]
def printMetainfo(csr):
csr.execute("SELECT * FROM Metadata")
result = csr.fetchall()
Notifications - Metadata
for line in result:
print("\t" + line[0] + ": " + str(line[1]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
conn = sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1])
csr = conn.cursor()
generateCSV(csr, sys.argv[2])
Windows 10 Notifications to CSV
This script processes the wpndatabase.db notifications database from Windows 10
and gives a truncated, tab-delimited file as output.
File location: %APPDATA%\Local\Microsoft\Windows\\Notifications\wpndatabase.db
Usage: inputDB outputCSV
Example: wpndatabase.db notifications.csv
Task Analysis
Identify Sender: Analyze the URL to identify the sender of the notification.
Title Examination: Examine the titles of the notifications.
Message Sender Identification: Determine who is sending the messages.
Room Number Analysis: Investigate the significance of room numbers in the notifications.
Password Detection: Detect potentially easy-to-find passwords within the messages.
Drive URL Analysis: Examine plain URLs related to drives.
Timestamp Conversion: Utilize the provided script to convert timestamps for message delivery.
import datetime
# Define the timestamp value from the message
timestamp_str = "1681986889.660179"
# Convert the timestamp string to a float (assuming it's in seconds since Unix epoch)
timestamp_seconds = float(timestamp_str)
# Convert the timestamp to a datetime object in UTC timezone
utc_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp_seconds)
# Print the UTC datetime in a readable format
print("Message Delivered at (UTC):", utc_datetime)
- Monetary Value Assessment: Analyze monetary values mentioned, e.g., “10000”.